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Stay Local For Your Surgery


Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Why you should NOT travel to New Albany or Pittsburgh or anywhere else for your joint replacement:

Local surgeons are as good or better.

At the Marra Knee, Hip and Shoulder Center, we have performed over four thousand joint replacement surgeries. We are a member of your community. We know you and give you personalized care. We are not a part of a “factory surgery” operation where you are a number on a surgery assembly line. Our outcomes are excellent and our complication rate is low. The “big city” is not better.

Do you know who will actually do your surgery?

While you may sign up for your surgery with one of the named surgeons in a group, often your surgery will actually be done by a trainee who is just learning how to do orthopedic surgery. This is common in larger groups. It is difficult to know who actually does the surgery. Dr. Marra has performed thousands of joint replacements and all of his surgeries are done by him personally.

Support your local community.

Your local physicians who live and work in your community support your local businesses, schools and organizations. We serve on the boards of local organizations and schools. Our houses are here. We support local contractors and plumbers and electricians. We buy and maintain our cars here. We buy our groceries and gasoline here.

Outside orthopedic surgeons drive to our community and take literally millions of dollars per year back to their communities. This does serious harm to the economy of the valley. It seriously harms our local medical and orthopedic community and medical facilities. We all need to support our local hospitals or as we have seen in the last few years, they will not survive. If you want to have local physicians and medical facilities available when you need them, then you must support them. Otherwise we will have none.

What do outside surgeons contribute to our community? Virtually nothing. They spend virtually nothing here but siphon millions of dollars out of our valley and local facilities.

Do you really want to go home a few hours after your surgery?

For some patients going home the day of your total joint replacement works well. For others it is a nightmare of pain and misery for the first hours and days. At the Marra Knee, Hip and Shoulder Center, we give you the option. If you would like to go home the day of surgery, we can easily arrange for that. Depending on your insurance coverage, we can arrange to have a home health nurse and or a physical therapist come to your home shortly after your arrival there. If you would rather spend the night after your surgery in the hospital, we can arrange for that.  Our nurses will keep a close eye on you, manage your pain and any other post operative needs you might have. You will have a physical and occupational therapist working with you prior to your discharge home. You are not discharged until you are comfortable and ready to be at home. When you go home after surgery is dictated by when you are ready.

Would you like to have a physical therapist come to your home after your surgery?

Physical therapy after a joint replacement is an extremely important component in your successful recovery. Some out of town joint replacement groups do not allow you to have your choice in this matter. You are often not allowed to have a therapist come to your home. You must either go immediately to an outpatient physical therapist (often owned by the group) or may be convinced to use your phone or a wrist watch to do your therapy. Again, the overriding determinant here is the almighty dollar. The question becomes what is the cheapest, not necessarily what is best for you.

At the Marra Knee, Hip and Shoulder Center we give you the choice. We find that people enjoy the convenience and are often more comfortable having a licensed physical therapist coming to their home. If out patient physical therapy is desired, then that can easily be arranged. We do what is best for you and your needs.

What are you going to do if you have a problem after your surgery?

Although serous problems after a joint replacement surgery are relatively rare, mild or moderate problems are relatively common. What will you do if you have questions about how your wound looks? Maybe you are having some unexplained pain. In one these common situations, your only option to see the surgeon who did your surgery might be to jump in a car and drive an hour or two to his or her location. Often a problem will require several visits - several four hour (two hours there and two hours back) journeys. Having your surgery locally eliminates that worry.

Stay local for better care and a better outcome

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